Upcoming Releases 2/2

Well, here we are in February and I already changed gears twice since the first half of this blog post was written! Fortunately, we got those first three titles out… Read more

Upcoming Releases 1/2

We’ve been hard at work these past few weeks. There are six new titles coming for AvV in the near future. Most of them are finished now. Four are still… Read more

Happy New Year!

With 2021 in the rear view, we can look ahead to 2022. Read more

Amazons vs Valkyries – Progress Update

While managing the release of Poisonous Plants I’ve also been working on the AvV setting and making plans for next year. In the last blog post, I discussed the AvV… Read more

Amazons vs Valkyries – the Saga

I worked on the AvV campaign saga today. The outline is not yet finished, but its scope is within sight. Consider this: 8000 words per adventure (x) 3 adventures per… Read more

Design Diary: The Priestess Revised

The Priestess class for AvV has been revised. Although it’s designed for AvV, it works great in any 5e campaign setting where religious leaders shun weapons and armor, wearing robes… Read more

Poisonous Plants- Coming Down the Homestretch

Poisonous Plants After a great deal of work, Poisonous Plants is nearly finished. One reason I choose to do this project was I thought I could get it done quickly.… Read more

META: Pre-Orders Now Available!

In only a few minutes I set up a pre-order feature using the widgets of this new WordPress web site. It uses PayPal for payment processing. Customers can now pre-order… Read more

Design Diary: Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants is coming along nicely. 19,000 words now….. It currently contains rules for 55 toxic plants. There are about 5 more I still need to add. We’ve been play-testing… Read more

Design Diary: AvV Campaign Primer

The Campaign Primer for Amazons vs Valkyries has finally been released! You can pay what you want and download it right here. It outlines the setting and features some excerpts… Read more