Bloodstone Press publishes D20 RPG material and short stories. We are currently focused on our Amazons vs Valkyries setting, a historical fantasy set in the Hellenistic Age. Some recent projects are outlined below. For upcoming titles, check out the In Development page.

Ancient Magic
Ancient Magic is a collection of spells, classes, subclasses, magic items, and optional rules inspired by real historical sources. The spells were found in Egyptian tombs, Greek spellbooks, and Roman laws, then converted to 5e. The magic items are inspired by items featured in Norse sagas and Greek epics. The classes and subclasses are based on spellcasters of the ancient world.
At 250+ pages, this the largest project we have undertaken. It is also the most heavily researched and most thoroughly play-tested. This project has been in development for nearly three years and is finally nearing completion!
Available now!
Into the Wilds
This 65-page supplement for Pathfinder 1E features a ton of new content for adventuring in the wilderness. New archetypes, monsters, hazards, poisons, diseases, and more to challenge even the most seasoned adventurers.


Destroy the Bridge
This 50-page adventure takes the PCs on a combat mission into the mountains of Anatolia (ancient Turkey). They must destroy a bridge to stop an advancing Celtic horde, but when the PCs reach the bridge, they find they may be too late.
Poisonous Plants
Poisonous Plants includes 67 real world poisons including nightshade, hemlock, hellebore, and jimsonweed. New uses for herbalism kits, alchemy kits… (Learn More)
Prelude to War
Prelude to War is a Fifth Edition adventure for one to seven characters of 1st to 3rd level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 1… (Learn More)
The Cult of Ares (5e)
- 2 New Oaths
- 5 New Spells
- 4 New Magic Items
- 3 New Monsters
- 1 Artifact: The Sword of Ares
Trinakria Gazetteer
This 90-page gazetteer is designed for The Blood of Trinakria campaign path, which follows the course of the First Punic War in the Amazons vs Valkyries adventure setting. This book details the island of Trinakria (ancient, mythic Sicily) on the eve of the war’s outbreak… (Learn More)
The Cult of Ares (PF1)
- 2 New Prestige Classes
- 2 New Advanced Class
- 5 New Spells
- 4 New Magic Items
- 3 New Monsters
- 1 Artifact: The Sword of Ares
These bundles are all available on DriveThru. Each offers deep discounts on our best titles.
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The Commander
A New Fighter Subclass for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting
The Commander (Fighter archetype) is a professional military leader skilled in motivating troops, coordinating battlefield maneuvers, and inspiring confidence in subordinates. Commanders are usually drawn from the ranks of aristocrats and elite warriors who undergo formal training in military academies.

The manhunter specializes in hunting certain types of humanoids or even specific individuals. Unlike bounty hunters who are motivated by money, a manhunter may be motivated by a personal vendetta, an abstract ideology, or even a secret code.

Academic Backgrounds
Taurians are an uncommon species available to players in the Amazons vs Valkyries campaign setting. This PDF discusses the Taurian homeland and culture, and it provides all the information players need to create their own Taurian character.

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Complete Thaumaturgic Codex
This collection of spells and magic items consists mostly of content updated from our 3rd edition material. All these spells and items have been revised and reworked for compatibility with the 5e system. There are also several new 5e spells in this collection. This title was also our first PoD.

Optional Rules
This PDF features some optional rules and new ideas that have come from running AvV games. These rules are designed to help increase the verisimilitude and historical accuracy of the game as well as enhance the combat and tactical aspects.
