The following projects are in various stages of research, playtesting, drafting, editing, and layout. The projects nearest completion are at the top of the list. Development stages are basically:

  • Phase 1: Research
  • Phase 2: Drafting
  • Phase 3: Editing and playtesting
  • Phase 4: Post production PoD layout
  • Phase 5: Release

Into the Wilds

Development Phase: 4 (Post production and PoD layout)

Monsters, magics, and hazards of the jungles, deserts, tundra, and swamps designed for Pathfinder 1.

Pirates of the Blackstorm

Development Phase: 4 (Post production and layout)

A 5e adventure for three to five characters of 1st to 3rd level.

The Commander

Development Phase: 5 (exclusively on Patreon, coming soon to Drivethru)

A new Fighter archetype for leading troops in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Monk Traditions

Development Phase: 5 (exclusively on Patreon, coming soon to DriveThru)

Three new monk traditions for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

The Helm of Odysseus

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

A 5e adventure for three to five characters of 6th to 8th level.

Escape from Valshara and Other Tales

Development Phase: 2 (Drafting)

A collection of short adventures for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting

Language and Culture (5e)

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

This file outlines the languages and cultures of the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, explaining them in 5e terms.

Amazons vs Valkyries Character Spotlight: Moria

Development Phase: 4 (Post production and layout)

Moria is a dreadful champion of Caturix, the Gaul’s bloodthirsty war god. The severed heads of her enemies hang from her waist as she stalks her next victims from the shadows.

Prelude to War: Solo Edition

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

Play online for free!

House of the Necromancers

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

A horror themed adventure in a temple of Hades, House of the Necromancers is a fifth edition adventure for four to five characters of 1st to 4th level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 2. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

Amazons vs Valkyries: Player’s Guide

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

This PoD will include all the previously released content for character creation and some new content. Barbarian paths, paladin oaths, fighter archetypes, arms and armor, feats, domains, spells, and much more!

Amazons vs Valkyries: Ancient Magic

Development Phase: 2 (Drafting)

This PoD (also available in PDF) features new classes, archetypes, spells, magic items, and optional rules inspired by historical accounts of magic in the ancient world.

Coming soon to Kickstarter!

Amazons vs Valkyries: Crime and Punishment

Development Phase: 2 (Drafting)

Details on the laws and law enforcement in Egypt, Gothiscandza, Greece, Persia, and Rome.

Amazons vs Valkyries: The Cosmos

Development Phase: 2 (Drafting)

This PDF outlines the multiverse in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting.

Academic Backgrounds

Development Phase: 5 (Already available on Patreon, coming soon to DriveThru)

This file introduces sixteen new backgrounds for spellcasters in the Amazons vs Valkyries setting. Esoteric schools, secretive cults, and legendary academies teach magic in Egypt, Greece, and across the Mediterranean. In other lands, circles of druids, covens of witches, and colleges of bards teach the next generation of spellcasters. This content is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

Ten Powerful Spells

Development Phase: 5 (Exclusively on Patreon, Coming to DriveThru in 2025)

These spells have been developed as part of the upcoming Ancient Magic book. After the Ancient Magic book is released, this PDF will be available on DriveThru. It is currently only available on Patreon.

The Storm Crystal

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

A squad-level military mission to save King Seuthes’ army from an artifact-wielding wizard and his three-headed dragon, The Storm Crystal is a Fifth Edition adventure for four to five characters of 16th to 18th  level, and is optimized for a party of four characters with an average party level (APL) of 16. This adventure is designed for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting, but can be easily adapted to any other fantasy setting.

Guardians of Democracy: The Fugitives

Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

In Athens’ criminal justice system, democracy is protected by three separate yet equally important groups: the Scythian Archers who investigate crimes against the state, the Gynaeconomi who enforce the law, and the citizens who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories…

Guardians of Democracy is a collection of four crime dramas set in ancient Athens. It is the first chapter of an Amazons vs Valkyries adventure path that will take the heroines to 20th level. Although AvV is mostly about fighters and paladins, Guardians is about rogues.

The Fugitives is the first adventure in the Guardians of Democracy series. It involves the PCs in the search for three escaped criminals hiding within the city.


Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

Tengas are a new playable species for the 5E version of the Telestic Engine setting.


Development Phase: 3 (Editing and playtesting)

Terilians are a new playable species for the 5E version of the Telestic Engine setting.

Power Armor

Development Phase: 2 (Drafting)

Power armor for 5e!
