Design Diary: The Priestess Revised

The Priestess class for AvV has been revised. Although it’s designed for AvV, it works great in any 5e campaign setting where religious leaders shun weapons and armor, wearing robes… Read more

Poisonous Plants- Coming Down the Homestretch

Poisonous Plants After a great deal of work, Poisonous Plants is nearly finished. One reason I choose to do this project was I thought I could get it done quickly.… Read more

Design Diary: Poisonous Plants

Poisonous Plants is coming along nicely. 19,000 words now….. It currently contains rules for 55 toxic plants. There are about 5 more I still need to add. We’ve been play-testing… Read more

Design Diary: Nature’s Wrath

Back in 2003 I published some rules about real world poisons and diseases, called Nature’s Wrath. It is still available from DriveThru, right here. It sold well and received a… Read more

META: What’s Next

Now that the updates for the Thaumaturgic Codex are done, its time to start thinking about what’s next. Below (and in no particular order) are the top 6 item on… Read more

Design Diary: 34 Magic Items

Last summer we released a collection of 34 magic items as Book III of the Thaumaturgic Codex series. At the time, I was planning to just keep all that content… Read more

Design Diary: Thaumaturgic Codex

Today I’m working on revising the Thaumaturgic Codex series. I’m re-doing the layout for the first two volumes and working on a third volume of spells. I’m also going to… Read more

Design Diary: Aftermath

I am working on a short 1st level adventure to put up on the DM’s Guild. Its called Aftermath and is all about what happens after a dragon destroys a… Read more