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The Commander

A New Expert Class for the Amazons vs Valkyries setting

The Maven is a new expert core class for the Pathfinder 1e system.  The Maven seamlessly blends mundane skill with utilitarian spellcasting, garnering a reputation as a master in their field of expertise with a flair for the extraordinary. At their core, a Maven is a perfectionist…


The manhunter specializes in hunting certain types of humanoids or even specific  individuals. Unlike bounty hunters who are motivated by money, a manhunter may be motivated by a personal vendetta, an abstract ideology, or even a secret code.

Academic Backgrounds

Taurians are an uncommon species available to players in the Amazons vs Valkyries campaign setting. This PDF discusses the Taurian homeland and culture, and it provides all the information players need to create their own Taurian character.