Creating New PC Races

I’ve always liked point based systems. When it comes to designing a new race/species/ancestry, a point based system can be a good way to break down the races in the core rules to get an understanding of their power level. We can then use that information to design new races/species/ancestries that are roughly balanced with those in the core rules. Many other people have already done this and their work can be easily found on various websites. However, I tend to have a slightly different opinion about the value of certain traits. So I developed my own system when I started working on 5e content. I’ve adjusted it a few times over the years. Today, I thought I would post that system here. I’ll add to it as I develop some new races/species/ancestries in the coming months.

I’m currently developing several new races/species/ancestries (which we will call ‘species’ from here on) for the Telestic Engine setting. Telestic Engine was first developed using the Pathfinder 1 game system, and several new species were developed using the PF1 racial point system. None of those species have been released publicly, however.

Now that we are revisiting the Telestic Engine setting and releasing a 5e version, we are starting with the species. These will include droids, felineiths, terilians, tengas, and others.

As you can see in the examples below, this system breaks the core races down into traits that total up to 6.5 or 7 points. New species, such as those in the Ashes of Lemuria PDF or the Ancestries file for Amazons vs Valkyries follow these same guidelines, as shown in the examples below.

The table below summarizes the racial (or species) abilities in the 2014 edition of the D20 core rules and assigns a point value to each one.

Ability Score +1One ability score increases by 11
Ability Score +2One ability score increases by 22
Armor Training You gain one level of armor proficiency, can be taken up to three times (light, medium, heavy).5
BraveYou have advantage on saves vs being frightened1
Breath weaponAs dragonborn2
CantripYou know 1 cantrip.5
Cunning You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws against magic (can be taken multiple times, each for a different ability score)1
Extra LanguageYou know one additional language. This trait can be taken multiple times .5
Fauna friendsYou can communicate simple ideas with beasts size Small and smaller using basic sounds and gestures.5
LuckyWhen you roll a d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll2
Mask of the WildYou can attempt to hide even when only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.1
Naturally stealthyYou can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.1
NimblenessYou can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.1
Poison resilienceYou have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage1
Savage attacksWhen you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.2
Skill ExpertiseProficiency and Expertise in one skill related to one situation (such as Intelligence [History] checks related to the origin of stonework).5
Skill proficiencyYou gain proficiency in one skill.5
Speed + 5 ft.Your speed increases 5 ft. You can take this traits up to three times .5
Spellcastingyou gain one cantrip at 1st level, a 1st level spell at 3rd level, and a 2nd level spell at 5th level1.5
Spell resistanceYou have advantage on one type of saving throws against magic and spells. This ability can be taken up to three times. Each time it applies to a different type of saving throw (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, or Cha)1
Tinkeras rock gnome1.5
Tool proficiencyYou gain proficiency in one tool from a list of three choices .5
ToughnessYour hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.2
Weapon trainingYou have proficiency in three martial weapons.5

Besides those beneficial traits, species can also have detrimental traits, as outlined on the table below

Detrimental TraitsDetailsPoints
Limited weaponsYou cannot use heavy weapons.5
Sleep susceptibility You have disadvantage on saving throws against the sleep spell1
SleepyYou require 12 hours of rest each day1
Speed -5 ft.Your speed is reduced 5 feet1
Sunlight SensitivityYou have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight1

Subtract the total of your detrimental traits from your total beneficial traits to find the total point cost of your traits.


+2 Strength2
+1 Charisma1
Breath weapon2
energy resistance (1 type chosen at creation)2

Dwarf, MountainPoints
+2 Constitution2
+2 Strength2
Poison resilience (dwarven resilience)1
Skill expertise (Stonecunning).5
Tool proficiency .5
Armor training (x2)1
Weapon training.5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Dwarf, HillPoints
+2 Constitution2
+1 Wisdom1
Poison resilience (dwarven resilience)1
Skill expertise (Stonecunning).5
Tool proficiency .5
Toughness (+1 hp per level)2
Weapon training.5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Elf, DrowPoints
+2 Dexterity2
+1 Charisma 1
Darkvision 120 ft1
Skill proficiency (keen senses).5
Fey ancestry.5
Spellcasting 1.5
Weapon training.5
-Sunlight sensitivity (detrimental trait)-1

Elf, HighPoints
+2 Dexterity2
+1 Intelligence1
Darkvision 60 ft.5
Skill proficiency (keen senses).5
Fey ancestry.5
Extra language.5
Weapon training.5

Elf, Wood
+2 Dexterity2
+1 Wisdom1
Darkvision 60 ft.5
Perception proficiency (keen senses).5
Fey ancestry.5
Speed increase 5 ft (Fleet of foot).5
Mask of the wild1
Weapon training.5

Gnome, DeepPoints
+2 Intelligence2
+1 Constitution1
Darkvision 60 ft..5
Skill expertise (artificer’s lore).5
Tinker 1.5
Spell resistance (x3) (Int, Wis, and Cha) (Gnome cunning)3
-Limited weapon use (no heavy weapons) (detrimental trait)-.5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Halfling, LightfootPoints
+2 Dexterity2
+1 Charisma1
Lucky 2
Naturally stealthy1
-Limited weapon use (no heavy weapons) (detrimental trait)-.5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Halfling, StoutPoints
+2 Dexterity2
+1 Constitution 1
Lucky 2
Poison resilience (stout resilience)1
-Limited weapon use (no heavy weapons) (detrimental trait)-.5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Half OrcPoints
+2 Strength2
+1 Con1
skill proficiency (intimidation).5
Relentless endurance 1
Savage attacks2

+2 Charisma2
+1 Intelligence1
Darkvision 60 ft..5
Energy resistance (fire)2
Spell casting 1.5

That being done, we can now look at some examples from our own 5e titles, such as the Desert Dwarf, detailed in the Amazons vs Valkyries Ancestries file.

Desert DwarfPoints
+2 Wisdom2
+1 Constitution1
Darkvision 60 ft.5
Poison resilience1
Skill proficiency (x2) Daneg upbringing1
Skill expertise (field of expertise) (double cost because the player can choose from a list of options)1
Skill expertise (stonecunning).5
Bonus language .5
Tool proficiency .5
-Speed decrease 5 ft. (detrimental trait)-1

Fire Giant Kin are another ancestry from the Amazons vs Valkyries setting. Get all twelve ancestries and sub-ancestries in the Ancestries PDF for just $2.99!

Fire Giant KinPoints
+2 Strength2
+1 Constitution 1
Speed increase +5 ft..5
Fire resistance 2
Natural armor AC 11.5
Load bearing.5
Skill expertise (survivalist).5

Ashes of Lemuria is a lost history/science fantasy sub-setting which forms the backdrop of the 1948 setting. Among the races available in Ashes of Lemuria are the Yaksha, outlined on the table below. Get all six races from the Ashes of Lemuria setting right here for just $1.49!

Yakasha, ForestPoints
+2 Wisdom2
+1 Charisma1
Speed increase +5 ft..5
Nature’s blend (mask of the wild)1
Forest friends (fauna friends).5

The felineith is a new species for the Telestic Engine setting. You can get it from DriveThru right here. As you can see on the table below, felineiths are somewhat more powerful than most species. This is consistent with the other species from the Telestic Engine setting, but if you want to play this species in another setting, you may want to remove a few abilities so they do not overshadow other characters. Guidelines for doing that are included in the PDF.

+2 Dexterity2
+1 Charisma1
Skill proficiency (Acrobatics).5
Cat fall.5
Cat-like Reflexes.5
Keen senses .5
Natural weapons1.5
Nine Lives1
Pounce and grapple1
Rejuvenation 1
Startle response.5
-Carnivore (detrimental trait)-.5
-sleep susceptibility (detrimental trait)-1
-sleepy (detrimental trait)-1

This page includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC which is available here. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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