I’ve been watching the videos WotC has been releasing about the new edition of the game. while I am pleased with many of the changes, it has become clear that… Read more
As you may know, I’ve been using MidJourney for the past year or so. Unfortunately, MidJourney has a lot of issues. So I’ve been looking for a different image generator… Read more
I’ve always liked point based systems. When it comes to designing a new race/species/ancestry, a point based system can be a good way to break down the races in the… Read more
Besides updating the existing Pathfinder files, we also converted some 5e titles over to Pathfinder. These are: The Cult of Demeter This 16-page PDF features: The Cult of Hecate This… Read more

The Cult of Ares is coming soon to Kickstarter! This cult will be available in two versions: the 5e compatible version (pictured above) and the Pathfinder 1 version (still in… Read more
I’ve decided to update the Pathfinder 1e Amazons vs Valkyries titles and add a few new ones to that series. The revised titles include the following: Advanced Ancestries The Advanced… Read more

Here is the new cover for Ancient Magic, a collection of classes, archetypes, spells, magic items, and optional rules inspired by historical accounts of magic in the ancient world. Featuring:… Read more
Not to step on my own press release about the Trinakria Gazetteer Kickstarter, (which is LIVE now), but a couple weeks ago I realized that DriveThru caps bundles at 40… Read more