DnD 5.5E And AvV

I’ve been watching the videos WotC has been releasing about the new edition of the game. while I am pleased with many of the changes, it has become clear that these changes will impact the rules for AvV in a few ways.

The changes I’ve noticed already affect Species (races/ancestries), Backgrounds, Wizards, Druids, and Rangers. I like the Weapon Mastery rules and as long as the basics are included in the SRD, we will include them (and expand upon them) in the revised 5.5 AvV rules.

Some of the new subclasses or archetypes are fairly appropriate for the AvV setting. Others are not.

The way they are dividing the druid into either a martial or spellcaster role is good, but may conflict with an existing druid circle in the AvV setting.

All this has lead to me making a few decisions about the way forward for AvV.

In the short term, I will be releasing all the 5e content that is currently only on Patreon. This includes Academic Backgrounds (released today, right here), along with the Commander, Monk Traditions, and some sections of the Ancient Magic project (more about that in a future post).

Meanwhile, I will start posting 5.5e content exclusively on Patreon. That will begin soon, as I already have some ideas.

In the mid term, the upcoming AvV Player’s Guide will include all the revised and improved changes for 5.5e. It will likely be on Kickstarter in the first quarter of 2025.

After the Player’s Guide is released through Kickstater, I will release portions of it as PDFs on DriveThu. So, as of right now, the plan is to make the 5.5e content exclusively available on Patreon before it becomes available through Kickstarter. Only after that will it be available on DriveThru.

In the long term, we will continue to develop campaign paths, side quests, and the Campaign Guide. Once those projects are in motion, we will begin developing AvV for other game systems.

So if you would like to get early access to the latest version of the AvV rules, join my Patreon right here!

And if you are interested in the Player’s Guide, join the mailing list to receive announcements and updates!

Stay tuned for more posts about the 5.5e changes to AvV!

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