Rare Substances

A few rare substances, ores, and alloys are available in the AvV setting, as outlined below.

Bull’s Blood.This alchemical compound is derived from dissolving a ruby-like mineral, known as bull’s blood in alcohol. The mineral is almost pure arsenic. However, it is rare and expensive, coming from over the Silk Road. The mineral is also used in medicine, leather working, and dying cloth.

Draconite.This gemstone forms inside the skulls of living dragons. Like a pearl, it is formed of dense layers of calcium carbonate and other biological substances of the dragon. The draconite stone is the source of the dragon’s frightful presence ability. Even after the dragon dies, the draconite continues to radiate fear, albeit in a smaller radius. It can be extracted from the dragon’s skull and mounted on a helm, shield, or other object, and used to terrify enemies.
When removed from the dragon’s head, the draconite constantly radiates dragon fear in a 60-foot radius. The saving throw DC is the same as it was for the frightful presence of the dragon the draconite was taken from. A creature that is attuned to a draconite gemstone is immune to the magical fear radiating from that stone.

Meteoric Iron.A thousand years ago, a hail of meteorites fell on Egypt’s Middle kingdom. Many of these fallen stars were found and their ores melted down and worked into exotic, magical weapons. Most of those weapons have since been buried with heroes and pharaohs, lost in battle, or stolen. Meteoric iron is treasured by kings, heroes, and demi-gods for its use in crafting magical weapons.

Noric Steel.High carbon steel smelted from the peat bogs of southern Austria is worked through a secretive and elaborate process, forging it into one of the hardest and strongest metals on earth. Armor made from Noric steel gains a +1 bonus to its armor class. Weapons made from Noric steel have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Note that these are not magical bonuses.

Seric Iron.This rare alloy from India contains trace elements of tungsten and vanadium. Seric steel is particularly expensive. Weapons made from it are always masterwork quality (+1 AC bonus to metal armor and +1 to weapon attack and damage rolls) and cost ten times the listed price for the same items of average quality.

Adamantine.The dwarves of Myrkheim are the only beings who know the secrets of mining and working adamantine. Adamantine is almost unheard of in Midgard.

Mithral.This light, silvery metal elves use to make weapons and armor is mined in the Otherworld (also known as Alfheim). Mithral is extremely rare in Midgard.

Orichalcum. The Atlanteans forged this alloy from a specific mixture of bronze, gold, silver, copper, and trace amounts of other elements. It resembles gold but is much harder and shines red. The formula for creating orichalcum has been lost for centuries, but this alloy and can still be seen in ancient buildings, often gilding the walls, statues, or doors. Adventurers also recover orichalcum from ancient ruins and sell it in marketplaces.